Sunday, 7 August 2011

Rose Red Revisited - Chapter 3

As Lauren rounded the back of the mound she noticed a small opening almost concealed by fallen rocks.  Despite the warmth of the day she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself.   The stairs seemed safe enough, maybe, just maybe...  After a moment of hesitation Lauren descended into the gloom.
The room was large and cooling with a faint smell of damp and age.  At the far side of the room stood a door bound with chains.  Lauren realised that the only way through this door was to find the keystone to fit the heart shaped lock on the wall. 
Lauren surveyed the small room.  Nest to the stairs where she had entered was a large pile of rubble.  Somehow it looked different to the ruins above, like it had been placed there.  As she began to clear the rubble Lauren could see the corner of a white marble plinth.  Fuelled by excitement and anticipation she dug faster.
Afraid to reach out at first, worried that if she touched the keystone it would crumble to dust.  Lauren stood and stared, her breath held.  Slowly she reached out and grasped the stone heart.  It was cold to the touch and as she held it, the stone seemed to vibrate gently as if purring happy to be found.
Gently Lauren placed the keystone in the lock.  The room was lit by a magnificent blue light that seemed to fill Lauren with the feeling of complete calm.  She knew this was meant to be.  The chain across the door dissolved into tiny balls of orange light floating away like petals in a breeze.
On the other side of the door stood a beautiful garden, “the forbidden garden” she sighed.
Lauren worked her way through the delicate maze of shrubs towards the large memorial stone.
Lauren inspected the cold marble.  As she read aloud the name engraved she heard a click.
To her surprise a hole appeared in the grass.  Lauren reached inside and found a small lever.  The lever was stubborn but after some persuasion it lifted.
More clicking and balls of light revealed a small room. Statues of ancient Goddesses surrounded a small chest which glowed with an unearthly light. 
Lauren opened the chest and found it to be filled with relics and golden coins.  She stared at the riches with wonder.  She had found the forbidden garden and this was her parents land so the treasure was hers, surely?  Something inside her fought against temptation.  This treasure was not Laurens to take and she slowly closed the lid of the chest.
There was a rumbling from the wall behind her, as she turned the wall shook, revealing an opening into another chamber.  Lauren squeezed through the small gap, just as she made it through the wall shook again and the opening closed again.
A small lantern provided a surprisingly bright glow to the room around her.  It was obviously a family crypt, but who’s?   Lauren inspected the stones.  Some of the names were unfamiliar but most of them she knew.  She knew this was the Rimbauer Crypt.  Sadly she had not rediscovered her past but at least she now had closure and a place to mourn.  But how would she get out?  The opening had sealed itself and she could see no doors or stairs.
Lauren discovered another switch hidden behind a crumbling statue.  A few clicks later and a stairway appeared, leading her back into the daylight.
Lauren returned to the hotel, confused and tired.  Her flight home was tomorrow and she needed rest.
For the first time in years Lauren enjoyed a dreamless sleep.
Delsin was waiting for Lauren when she returned home.  She told him about the crypt and the strange letter.  Delsin listened quietly letting her talk smiling to himself.  He had missed Lauren and was glad she was home. 
Since returning from France Lauren’s nightmares had become less frequent.  Delsin was staying over much more often and he seemed to calm her.  She was not sure how he would react at her latest news however.  Lauren had discovered that she was pregnant, she knew that Delsin loved her but would he be happy with a child, they had never talked about it.
That night Lauren broke the news to Delsin.  A happier man could not be found in Sunset Valley that night, he was overjoyed.
Delsin then surprised Lauren even further and proposed.  She was so happy.  Everything was going so well since her trip to France, a baby on the way and her boyfriend proposing.  Lauren felt as though nothing could ever bring her down.
Lauren walked through the town, head held high.  She was the happiest woman on earth.
The sound of running water made her stop suddenly, she turned to look at the fountain.  It was familiar, she looked around her.  Where was she, Lauren felt a moment of panic.  Never had she seen this part of town before.  There seemed to be a light on inside the large house, maybe they had a phone so she could call a taxi.  Slowly she walked to the front door and knocked.

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